The highest selling home in Gramercy Park Gahanna Ohio during the past six months, based on the Columbus Ohio MLS, was 309 Broken Arrow Rd. Gahanna OH 43230. This 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home sold for $170,000. Features of the home include a private backyard with mature trees, updated roof, siding, windows, and gutters, open floor plan on the main level, good sized kitchen with plenty of storage, wood-burning fireplace in the family room, finished den in the lower level, and hardwood flooring throughout.
During the past six months, three Gramercy Park Gahanna Ohio homes have been sold in all. These homes had an average selling price of $129,675 and an average price per square foot of $73.02. The homes also had an average of 1,762 square feet.
If you know anyone interested in buying or selling a Gahanna Ohio home, be sure to have them contact Sam Cooper, HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is one of the top selling real estate agents in Gahanna, OH! Call 614-561-3201.
To find homes for sale in Gramercy Park Gahanna Ohio, visit Gramercy Park Gahanna Ohio Homes through