7173 Crofton Ct. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 is a 2 bedroom, 1½ bath home located in Crofton Place Reynoldsburg Ohio. The home was sold in February 2014 with the Sam Cooper Team, HER Realtors, as the selling agent. 7173 Crofton Ct. offers a one-story floor plan, full basement, fireplace, and patio. The home sold for $59,100.
To view homes currently on the market in Crofton Place Reynoldsburg Ohio, visit Crofton Place Reynoldsburg Ohio Homes for Sale.
If you know anyone considering buying or selling a Reynoldsburg Ohio home, be sure to have them contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is a top selling real estate agent in Reynoldsburg Ohio! Call 614-561-3201!
For more information from Sam Cooper, check out www.samshouses.com.