Home Sales in Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio

Home Sales in Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio

Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio currently has one home under contract, based on the Columbus Ohio MLS.  This home, located at 12887 Bentwood Farms Dr. Pickerington OH 43147, offers 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and just under 2,100 square feet.  Features of 12887 Bentwood Farms Dr. include a remodeled kitchen, first floor laundry, in-ground pool, extensive landscaping, quarter-acre lot, deck, partially finished basement, and a two car garage.

Visit Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale to view Bentwood Farms homes currently on the market.

If you know anyone thinking of buying or selling a Pickerington Ohio home, be sure to have them contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors.  Sam Cooper is one of the top selling real estate agents in Pickerington Ohio!  Call 614-561-3201.

For more information from Sam, visit www.SamCooperRealtor.com

Sam Cooper, HER Realtors

By Sam Cooper
