Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio currently has one home under contract, based on the Columbus Ohio MLS. This home, located at 12887 Bentwood Farms Dr. Pickerington OH 43147, offers 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and just under 2,100 square feet. Features of 12887 Bentwood Farms Dr. include a remodeled kitchen, first floor laundry, in-ground pool, extensive landscaping, quarter-acre lot, deck, partially finished basement, and a two car garage.
Visit Bentwood Farms Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale to view Bentwood Farms homes currently on the market.
If you know anyone thinking of buying or selling a Pickerington Ohio home, be sure to have them contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is one of the top selling real estate agents in Pickerington Ohio! Call 614-561-3201.
For more information from Sam, visit