5112 Meadowbrook Dr. Columbus OH – Sam Cooper Realtor

5112 Meadowbrook Dr. Columbus OH - Sam Cooper Realtor5112 Meadowbrook Dr. Columbus OH 43207 was recently sold by Sam Cooper, HER Realtors!  Sam Cooper sold this home in November 2013 for $85,000.  This home offers three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, and 2,235 total square feet.  Features include a large lot, soaring great room, large updated kitchen, formal living and dining rooms, fireplace, large master bedroom with walk-in closet and organizers, covered front porch, and fenced-in backyard.

If you are considering buying or selling a Columbus Ohio home, be sure to contact Sam Cooper, HER Realtors.  Sam Cooper is a top selling real estate agent in Central Ohio!  Contact the Sam Cooper Team of experts for all of your Columbus Ohio real estate needs.  Call 614-561-3201!

Check out www.SamCooperRealtor.com for more information from Sam Cooper HER Realtors.

Sam Cooper, HER Realtors

By Sam Cooper
