There are currently 15 homes on the market in the Wilshire Heights neighborhood of Columbus Ohio, based on the Columbus Ohio MLS. These 15 Wilshire Heights Columbus Ohio homes have an average list price of $76,858. With an average of 1,233 square feet, the homes have an average price per square foot of $62.96.
The highest priced home on the market in Wilshire Heights Columbus Ohio is 712 Chestershire Rd. Columbus OH 43204. This three bedroom, one and a half bath two-story is listed for $114,900. The home features hardwood flooring, beautiful natural wood work, and a recently updated kitchen. Other amenities include a formal living room with a reading alcove and fireplace, family room with lots of windows, dining room with french doors, spacious bedrooms, fenced-in backyard, detached garage, and a large brick patio.
If you are interested in 712 Chestershire Rd. or another Columbus Ohio home, be sure to contact Sam Cooper, HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is a top selling real estate agent in Central Ohio! Whether you are buying or selling, the Sam Cooper Team of professionals with HER Realtors will meet all of your Columbus Ohio real estate needs. Call 614-561-3201!
To view additional homes on the market in Wilshire Heights Columbus Ohio, visit Wilshire Heights Columbus Ohio Homes for Sale.
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