Worthington Green Columbus Ohio has seen 17 home sales within the last six months, based on the Columbus Ohio MLS. These 17 homes averaged a selling price of $164,959 and a price per square foot of $107.18. The homes had 1,568 square feet on average. In addition, the homes sold for an average of 96.4% of asking price and were on the market for an average of 38 days.
The highest selling of these 17 Worthington Green Columbus Ohio homes was sold for $229,900. This home is located on a cul-de-sac lot at 7771 Glenhollow Ct. Columbus OH 43235. The home offers 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 3,367 total square feet, a finished lower level rec room, wood-burning fireplace, first floor laundry, eat-in kitchen, two-car garage, and deck.
If you are considering buying or selling a Columbus Ohio home, be sure to contact Sam Cooper, HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is a top selling real estate agent in the Columbus Ohio area. Contact the Sam Cooper Team for all of your Columbus Ohio real estate needs! Call 614-561-3201.
To view homes for sale in Worthington Green Columbus Ohio, visit Worthington Green Columbus Ohio Homes through www.samshouses.com.