Home Sales in Edgemont Gardens Columbus Ohio 43224

Home Sales in Edgemont Gardens Columbus Ohio 43224Based on the Columbus Ohio MLS, four homes have sold in Edgemont Gardens Columbus Ohio 43224.  These four homes had an average selling price of $55,775.  They also had an average price per square foot of $53.41 and an average of 1,074 square feet.

The highest selling home in Edgemont Gardens Columbus Ohio during the past six months was 1352 Northridge Rd. Columbus OH 43224, which sold for $86,500.  This home offers 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and a large quarter-acre lot.  The home features a covered patio, fenced-in backyard, hardwood flooring throughout, wood burning fireplace in the living room, pass-through from the kitchen to dining room, full basement with a bar area, over-sized 2 car garage, mud room with built-in storage, newer windows, and a newer roof.

If you are interested in a Columbus Ohio home, be sure to contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors.  Sam Cooper is one of the top selling real estate agents in Columbus Ohio!  Call 614-561-3201.

To view homes currently on the market in Edgemont Gardens, visit Edgemont Gardens Columbus Ohio Homes for Sale.

For more information from Sam, visit www.samshouses.com

Sam Cooper, HER Realtors

By Sam Cooper
